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Eastin defends nutrition boondoggle

March 26, 2010 By K. LLOYD BILLINGSLEY The current issue of The Atlantic features a letter from Delaine Eastin, former California Superintendent of Public Instruction. Her letter does not include any episodes from her tenure in that post, every bit

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Job Creation Means Unions Jobs

I recently gave a speech to two-hundred Republican women on the current state of politics in California and how businesses are being destroyed by the majority party’s regulations, taxes and now, global warming laws. During the speech I asked the

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The Pandernator

Sometimes, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ability to pander amazes and awes even me. One week it’s the environmentalists, the next it’s the firefighters. Everybody needs help, everybody needs some special exemption or set-aside. This week, it’s Vietnam Vets. Specifically, it’s our

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Why biz leaders don't change politics

Given all the business talent in America, you would think we could promote some of those pros to the top political positions and let them fix everything. Indeed, in California three are running for those positions now, all claiming that,

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