Dutton's CARB bill moves to floor

Dutton's CARB bill moves to floor

This is from Sen. Dutton’s office today:

Dutton Air Board Transparency Measure Moves to Senate Floor

SACRAMENTO – A bill authored by Senate Republican Leader-elect Bob Dutton (R-Rancho Cucamonga) to bring greater transparency to the California Air Resources Board was unanimously approved today by the Senate Appropriations Committee. (VIEW VIDEO)

Senate Bill 1402 requires the California Air Resources Board to improve communications with the businesses it oversees. Specifically, CARB would be required to explain how a penalty levied against a business was determined, explain the reason for the violation and specify the code section violated.

“I hear frequent complaints from the private business community that dealing with CARB can be a confusing and frustrating experience,” Senator Dutton said. “This common sense legislation will create the transparency needed to ensure that CARB communicates its intentions clearly with the business community.”

Senator Dutton pointed to a recent story by Cal-Watchdog, “Inhaling CARB’s Hot Air,” as an example of why SB 1402 is needed for the private business community of California.

“We must do everything we can to send a message to California’s job creators, especially small businesses, that we are serious about helping them succeed in California,” Senator Dutton. “SB 1402 is a step in the right direction that will bring greater clarity and transparency to CARB’s enforcement actions.”

SB 1402 now moves to the Senate Floor for approval.


Posted by Steven Greenhut

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