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More on Seiler's Law

Steve, you are right when you write, “I would be thrilled if Californians and their political leaders would sit down and decide the following: What public services do we need? How do we pay for them? What services can we

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Fast-tracking personal info

MAY 28, 2010 By KATY GRIMES Are transportation agencies selling California drivers’ personal information? Commuters on California toll roads and highways subscribe to a device kept in the car, allowing electronic toll collection as they pass through a toll booth. Payment

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Unions use malleable Sidhu to flex power

MAY 28, 2010 By Steven Greenhut: Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh issued in January what OCers are calling the “Baugh manifesto”: a warning to local candidates who are seeking the party’s influential support that they must first reject

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State is always hiring

MAY 28, 2010 “The California Government is Always Hiring,” boasts an advertisement in Capitol Weekly newspaper. “Even during recent hiring freezes, the state hired 3-4000 new employees EVERY MONTH and accepting applications for over 1000 job titles at any one

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