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Wonder why Warren Buffett is a billionaire and you're not?

By John Seiler:

Wonder why you have trouble paying your family’s bills? Maybe you home is in foreclosure? Wonder no more. Here’s veteran California reporter Dan Walters:

It appears certain that the $11.1 billion water bond, the centerpiece of a historic water policy agreement championed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, will be removed from the November ballot.

It’s loaded with unconscionable pork – such as a quarter-billion dollars for Schwarzenegger’s pal, billionaire Warren Buffett, to underwrite removal of dams on the Klamath River that have absolutely no connection to California’s water supply.

You might recall how, over the years, Buffett has been demanding that California increase taxes. Arnold rebuffed him for a while, then caved in last year with a record $13 billion tax increase. The Klamath ripoff has only been postponed. It’ll be back under the next governor. Buffett always wins. That’s why he’s worth $50 billion.

So, here’s how the scam works: The Elite increase increase your taxes, and get your money. You get bankruptcy.

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