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Green Teens and the Great Chemistry Crusade!

AUG. 6, 2010 By KATY GRIMES Californians are ignorant and unconcerned about toxic chemicals found in products sold to consumers, say supporters of the new California Green Chemistry Initiative. But in the name of bringing more information to consumers, backers

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Will an Electrolyte Drink Ban Save Kids?

AUGUST 5, 2010 By LAURA SUCHESKI Gatorade, Powerade and other sports drinks could soon be the latest food items prohibited for sale in California public middle and high schools if a bill promoted by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is approved this

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Constructive Feedback? What's That?

AUG. 5, 2010 There are many unanswered questions floating around the state’s proposed bullet train plan. How many tens of billions of dollars will it eventually cost? Where will the money come from? Exactly how many people will ride it

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Another Look Inside CalWatchdog

The following conversation took place moments ago in the CalWatchdog newsroom: ANTHONY PIGNATARO: What?! LAURA SUCHESKI: What happened? ANTHONY PIGNATARO: University of California post-doctoral researchers just announced they’ve signed a union contract. LAURA SUCHESKI: What?!

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