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Budget Vote Imminent?

Katy Grimes and Anthony Pignataro: Yeah, right. Though you wouldn’t  believe how tense the Capitol is right now. Both parties in the Assembly went into caucus today, only to emerge more than an hour later looking grave. Tempers are short,

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State Paying for Bullet Train Station

AUG. 27, 2010 By KATY GRIMES A bill designed to formally authorize the proposed bullet train system expenditures is only now working through the legislature even though the project has been rolling ahead at full throttle. Though a glance at the

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Little Hoover talks Big Water

Anthony Pignataro: Yesterday the Little Hoover Commission released a new report titled Managing for Change: Modernizing California’s Water Governance. Like all government watchdog reports, a lot of scathing findings and sound recommendations lay behind that jargon-clogged title. Well, I’m assuming

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Proper Business Attire Under The Dome

Katy Grimes: Earlier this week, Assembly sergeants-at-arms began notifying women that a new policy now requires them to wear a jacket or sweater to enter the chamber. Apparently not all of the gals around the Capitol have been adhering to decent

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Finally, a sane bill

John Seiler: Usually, I’m against all bills to force medical insurance companies to cover specific illnesses. It takes away freedom and drives up costs. But AB 1600 makes sense. It would force insurance companies in California to cover mental illness.

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