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Confirm Bo Derek

John Seiler: Only in California would the Legislature hold up the appointment of Bo “10” Derek to…let me check, I was distracted…the state Horse Racing Board. Except for putting Bo on it, there’s no reason for this board to exist.

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Arnold sez drink your water!

Anthony Pignataro: Ever get the idea government officials will do something, anything, except their jobs? I couldn’t help but feel that after reading this press release the governor’s office sent out yesterday. Titled “Gov. Schwarzenegger Urges Californians to Prepare for

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Don't whales poop in the ocean?

Steven Greenhut: From the EPA: U.S. EPA’s Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld will today announce details of the Agency’s proposal to ban all sewage discharges from large cruise ships and most other large ocean-going ships to the marine waters

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Trouble at Developmental Services

AUGUST 25, 2010 By ANTHONY PIGNATARO This should sound familiar to many people. “(T)here is not really any communication between staff and upper management,” one employee said. “A lot of us are angry and hurt about the way the management

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Union Anti-Bankruptcy Bill Rises Again

AUGUST 24, 2010 By KATY GRIMES Instead of allowing cities or municipalities to make the difficult decision whether to file for bankruptcy, a bill is being heard again in the Senate that would provide that a local public entity may

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"Sign Me Up" For Financial Aid

Katy Grimes: A bill seeking to give away more student financial aid passed in the Assembly yesterday in a 60-0 vote. When Assemblyman Chris Norby stood to speak about it, Assembly members braced in preparation for his usual opposition. However,

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