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San Fran Pension Forum Tonight

Steven Greenhut:

Here’s a statement from the Prop. B folks in San Francisco:


-San Francisco Public Defender Joined by Local Supervisor Candidates to Discuss Measure –

San Francisco (October 22, 2010) – San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi will be joined by Bayview community leaders and local candidates for supervisor, Friday, October 22 to discuss and educate the public about the pension and benefits reform measure Proposition B.  The event will take place at the Southeast Community Facility located at 1800 Oakdale and begin promptly at 5:30 pm.

“Getting this issue to the people is the only way for the voter to get educated on this critical issue facing San Francisco,” said Adachi. “The more people learn about the ever increasing debt that these pensions and benefits are placing on our local economy, the more they see that this is a modest measure that addresses our escalating budget deficits in this city.”

What:              San Francisco Proposition B Forum

Where:            Southeast Community Facility

1800 Oakdale, Alex Pitcher Room

When:             Friday, October 22, 5:30 pm

Who:               Jeff Adachi

Kristine Enea

Abraham Simmons

Malia Cohen

Eric Smith

On July 6, 2010, Adachi submitted over 77,000 signatures, well over the 46,000 required, for an initiative to qualify for the ballot.  The Department of Elections qualified the measure for the November ballot on August 2. If the measure is approved by voters in November it will save  over $120 million by requiring city employees to contribute 9%  into their own pensions, which will include elected officials, and police and fire to contribute 10% . Prop B will maintain 100% medical coverage for all employees and allow a 50-50 shared provision for dependent healthcare.

OCT. 22

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