Back to homepageRing around the budget
Katy Grimes: Red rover, red rover, send Arnold right over. Capture the flag… Ring around the rosey, a pocket full pf posies… Duck, duck, goose… Four square… Kick the can… King of the hill… Mother may I? Hide and seek…
Read MoreMaldo Goes Immigrant Bashing
Anthony Pignataro: The Abel Maldonado for Lieutenant Governor camp recently put out a new radio ad attacking San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s “sanctuary city” policies. “For four years while Newsom was mayor, San Francisco refused to turn dangerous illegal immigrant
Read MoreKick the NFL through the goalposts of California
John Seiler: Oct. 6, 2010 At a time when governments and citizens of California are bankrupt, the NFL could build at least one incredibly expensive stadium in the Bay Area: $735 million for the Oakland Raiders (formerly the L.A. Traitors).
Read MoreIf the Reps lose in CA, then …
Steven Greenhut: For years, Republican moderates have been telling conservatives (and libertarians, too) that the only way the GOP can elect candidates in California is if they nominate moderates. We’ve seen that conservatives have lost statewide elections repeatedly, and this
Read MoreBee: Tax Pledge An Abdication!
Steven Greenhut: In an editorial today, the Sacramento Bee, which leans Left, endorsed Democratic Assemblywoman Alyson Huber for the Sacramento outskirts district that was expected to be Republican. They like her independent streak. Translation: They like that Huber is a
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