Will July CA Tax Cuts Spur Recovery?

APRIL 14, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In the hullabaloo over extending tax increases, one thing is being overlooked: As things now stand, on July 1, just 10 weeks away, California gets some pretty hefty tax cuts. You’ll have more change

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Key Bills Would Reform Bad Regulations

APRIL 13, 2011 By KATY GRIMES With more than 28,000 pages of regulations in California, several legislators are insisting that a few tweaks to regulatory reform can bring businesses and jobs back to the state. There are several new bills

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A Vote on Taxes? Never Mind

John Seiler: For more than three months now, we’ve been lectured by Gov. Jerry Brown, his fellow Democrats and government union leaders that voters must be given a choice on raising taxes. Never mind! — as Emily Litella used to

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Meg's Back! Speaks at Conference

John Seiler: Meg Whitman has mostly ducked the public eye since being wiped out in last November’s election for governor, after wasting around $180 million of her own dough. But she just made a speech at conference on the economy

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Is Gov. Brown Saying Urban Riots OK?

APRIL 13, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Is Gov. Jerry Brown dangerously inferring that if he does not get his proposed state budget balanced high, urban riots are not only inevitable but permissible? On April 10, he spoke at the Reagan

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On Breast Feeding and Housekeeping

Katy Grimes: We all know that the government is infringing on our personal liberties more and more. Legislators just don’t seem to get the message that we want less of them, and not more of their ridiculous decisions encroaching on

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Big Teacher Is Watching You

John Seiler: Government already spies on us almost continuously. Now this: No kid will be safe slacking off in the back of the classroom if a new type of video camera invented by Teachscape, a San Francisco-based company, makes its

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