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California Crossroads to Hell

California Crossroads to Hell

John Seiler:

According to legend, fabled bluesman Robert Johnson made a pact with the devil at a “crossroads” in Mississippi where he sold his soul to gain mastery of the blues. Eric Clapton long has played a version of Johnson’s song, “Crossroads.”

Now, reports the Bee:

Standard & Poor’s said Thursday that California sits at an “important crossroad” for its credit rating depending on how it deals with its structural deficit problems in the coming weeks.

California has never defaulted on general obligation bond repayment, but the state’s A- rating already ranks lowest in the nation in the wake of annual budget woes.

Indeed. For decades, California has made a pact with the Devil: Increase spending infinitely, without having to pay for it. But the Devil always lies.

It’s like in that classic “Twilight Zone” episode, “Escape Clause,” where they guy makes a pact with the Devil for immortality. The guy gets immortality, then goes out and tests it various ways, such as by trying to get involved in fatal accidents — which he always survives.

After his wife dies accidentally, he confesses that he mudered her. He wants to test the electric chair. But instead of getting a death sentence, he gets — life in prison.

That’s California. It’s supposed to be the Golden State. But the government, run by the government unions, has stuck is in a fiscal prison for eternity.

Click here for Part 1 of “Escape Clause”

Click here for Part 2.

Click here for Part 3.

May 19, 2011





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