Back to homepageTodd Spitzer on the Road to Damascus
April 14, 2012 By Steven Greenhut If a politician has based his career on advocating a set of policies, and has always been aligned with a group of special interests, only a fool would believe that he has suddenly seen
Read MoreNew High-Speed Rail biz plan crashes into reality
April 14, 2012 By Katy Grimes What a train wreck. Barreling down the tracks in one direction, on April 9 a congressional committee launched a probe California’s high-speed rail project over charges of conflicts of interest and questionable spending of federal dollars.
Read MoreBay Area rebellion attacks housing mandate
April 13, 2012 By Dave Roberts “The Mouse that Roared,” a 1950s satirical novel and movie about a tiny European country that declares war on the United States, has come to life in the Bay Area. Corte Madera, a town
Read MoreCal Chamber lists ‘jobs killer’ bills
April 13, 2012 By Joseph Perkins Nearly two and a half years into California’s recovery from its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, more than 2 million state residents are officially unemployed. Another 1 million are either underemployed–working part-time
Read MoreWhy pensions are going broke
April 13, 2012 By John Seiler Why are government pensions going broke? Wayne Lusvardi wrote about recently it in one of our Special Series on municipal bankruptcy, “California counties are more at risk of going belly up.” In one sentence,
Read MoreRail system in LA already a low-speed fail (video)
April 13, 2012 By Brian Calle One might assume policy makers would first assess the value, usage and efficiency of existing public transportation before endeavoring on a new multi-billion dollar, taxpayer funded transportation boondoggle like high-speed rail. For instance, LA’s
Read MoreSupreme Court gives a break to employers and workers
April 13, 2012 By Katy Grimes California employers have been regulated and mandated to the point of ridiculousness — and unprofitability. But a California Supreme Court decision this week finally gives employers a break—while still giving employees a break. Resolving
Read MoreUSC Poll: Voters want unneeded tax
April 13, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi An opinion poll might tell you if a majority of the public wants higher taxes. But it cannot tell you if higher taxes are needed. Nevertheless, the mainstream media only want to report what
Read MoreFletcher: Unprincipled and Unconvincing
Steven Greenhut: A new poll shows that Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher has surged in his race to become San Diego’s next mayor after he dropped his Republican affiliation and became an independent, which just shows how little attention San Diego voters
Read MoreDespicable Group Shutting Doors
Steven Greenhut: The California Redevelopment Association has sent a tearful letter to city managers across the state announcing that it is closing its doors for good. Good riddance, although this is a moment worth remembering — the first time the
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