12,744 new laws signed by Brown

Oct. 2, 2012
Katy Grimes: Whenever someone tells me what a lousy governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was, I remind then that at least he was a pretty good goalie. Schwarzenegger vetoed nearly 2,000 bills. It’s too bad he didn’t veto a few more… AB 32 comes to mind.
Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto percentage in 2011 was 11 percent, and 12 percent in 2012 — the lowest average percentage since Gov. Ronald Reagan’s 1967 veto rate of 13 percent.
Brown appears to be conducting a weird experiment with California, passing more laws than any of his predecessors. Maybe he’s trying to see just how fast he can destroy the middle class with all of this bill-signing. If that’s the case, he’s in a race with the Sacramento City Council.
Greg Lucas has the best analysis at California’s Capitol.
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