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Posts From Adam O'Neal

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Adam O'Neal

Adam O'Neal

Tesla gets first taste of tax break

Last week, the state of California gave Palo Alto-based electric vehicle maker Tesla a tax break valued at more than $30 million. SF Gate first reported the news. Ostensibly, the tax break will help the automaker build more cars and

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Report: Millions in CA will remain uninsured, despite health care law

A new report from the California Healthcare Foundation offers several sobering statistics about the uninsured population in California, just as some of those who have signed up for health coverage through Covered California will see their coverage begin Jan. 1.

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Should California become six new states?

California is a famously big state. It’s the most populous state and the third largest. California’s economy is bigger than many foreign ones. And the state has truly diverse economic sectors — entertainment, agriculture, technology, to name a few. But

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Immigration reform in 2014? Not so fast

One of the most poignant, and frequently discussed, political narratives to come out of Washington in the last year has been the relationship between House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on the one hand; and on the other hand the conservative

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California’s fracking opportunity

In 1973, President Richard Nixon launched Project Independence, an effort to make the United States energy independent by 1980. The actual project proved unsuccessful, but the concept stuck. Many politicians, especially presidential candidates, have since embraced the idea. After all,

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Can California land Boeing again?

Boeing, the world’s largest aerospace company, announced last week it would be restructuring its primary research and development unit. The company will be opening new research centers in Alabama, Southern California, Missouri, South Carolina and Washington state. “We are reorganizing and

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Ballot initiatives to watch in 2014

It’s no secret Republicans have seen their influence wane throughout California. Democrats control both chambers of the state legislature with supermajorities. Every statewide office is held by a Democrat. And fewer and fewer Californians identify as Republicans each year. One

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Have Los Angeles teachers unions gone too far?

The American Federation of Teachers sponsored a “day of action” Monday to ostensibly shed light on educational issues. Teachers throughout the country — with varying success — staged demonstrations discussing a laundry list of union priorities. Its state affiliate here

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Privacy expert: Covered California privacy actions ‘worrisome’

It isn’t just the federal Affordable Care Act website,, that has suffered unacceptable “glitches” that President Obama has decried. So has our state’s implementation, Covered California, whose problems include low Latino enrollment. One of the most disconcerting, and persistent, worries

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Railway safety comes at high price

Last Sunday, a Metro-North train in New York derailed, killing four passengers and injuring 67 others. Apparently the train engineer had been “nodding off” and was unable to slow the train before it hit a curve on its route, causing it

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