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Posts From Wayne Lusvardi

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Wayne Lusvardi

Wayne Lusvardi

Richmond mayor wants mortgages on million-dollar homes

Political theater isn’t reserved for Tea Party and Occupy movement protesters. Another example was on display Aug. 15 at Wells Fargo Bank headquarters in San Francisco. Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and a group of supporters tried to enter the bank’s

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Inflation could quickly erode CalPERS pensions

CalPERS retirees could be in for a surprise. The California Public Employment Retirement System payments include a 2 percent inflation increase every year, called a Cost of Living Adjustment. In recent years, the federal government’s Consumer Price Index, which tracks inflation, has

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Expect Richmond’s eminent domain mortgage ploy to backfire

Los Angeles attorney Gideon Kanner has for 40 years been a fierce opponent of the abuse of eminent domain law.  His credentials are so extensive that it is impossible to list them all here.  I always found his opposition to

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TX anti-drought plan is SWIFT; CA’s is SLOW

  In Texas they call their emergency drought alleviation plan SWIFT, short for State Water Improvement Fund for Texas. In California, they might as well call our bundle of water projects SLOW, for the “State that Left Out Water” from

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‘Progressives’ advancing California monopolies

Modern California politics was forged from the Progressive Movement’s “purification” of the political machines and bosses to bring about the reform of monopolistic railroad, insurance and banking trusts that dominated the state. The Progressives reached their apogee a century ago

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AB 69 ‘solves’ non-existent Blue Baby crisis

Blue Baby Syndrome is a horrible disease. According to the World Health Organization, it is “caused by the decreased ability of blood to carry vital oxygen around the body. One of the most common causes is nitrate in drinking water.

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NRDC claim of ‘no government-made drought’ doesn’t hold water

Water moves in one direction, memory in another for the National Resources Defense Council. The NRDC seems to be suffering from a case of voluntary amnesia in its running dispute with the Wall Street Journal over whether California is currently suffering

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Rep. Denham trumps Sen. Feinstein’s call for more water storage

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is calling for more water storage for California. But the storage already exists for much of what is needed. New Melones Dam and Lake, which are under the purview of the federal government, sit half empty due to regulatory

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Corporate pirates gaming CA cap-and-trade system

Fictional pirate Jack Sparrow seems to be taking his tricky ways outside the lucrative “Pirates of the Caribbean” Disney movie franchise and into real life. The Walt Disney Company joined forces on July 17 with Pacific Gas and Electric Co.,

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CA’s legendary energy efficiency is statistical myth

By now many of you have seen the legendary chart nearby.  It shows that California energy use per person has remained relatively flat, while the trend for the other states has risen significantly during the last 50 years.  It has

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