Budget and Finance

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Pension 'pain train' coming

JULY 8, 2010 By KATY GRIMES California’s private sector employees are not only paying for their own pensions and retirement funds, they are paying for the pensions of public sector employees, according to Governor Schwarzenegger. In his pension fund roundtable

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LA to shift sidewalk burden

JULY 6, 2010 By TORI RICHARDS As the infrastructure crumbles throughout California, the sidewalks laid down during the first half of the last century have no immunity. Initially responsible for the slab of concrete in front of their homes, Los

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Mulling a majority-vote budget

JULY 6, 2010 By JOHN SEILER With yet another state budget not passed by the July 1 beginning of the fiscal year, Democrats and their union allies are putting the blame on California’s two-thirds supermajority rule for passing a budget

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3 plans, no budget

JULY 2, 2010 The governor has a budget proposal. Democratic senators have a budget proposal. Assembly Speaker John Perez and the Assembly Democrats have a budget proposal. Does Mrs. Smith’s 10th grade civics class also have a budget proposal? With

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Pensions a policy disaster

JULY 2, 2010 By K. LLOYD BILLINGSLEY In May, The Economist judged California a “lean” state, where waste is hard to find, based on the single measure of state employees per 10,000 residents. In “Sanity in the offing?” in the

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Legislators ignore budget mess

JULY 1, 2010 By KATY GRIMES With the Legislature continuing to work on every possible frivolous or taxation issue except the budget, many are expecting one of California’s legislators to let loose with, “Let them eat cake,” when the taxed

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Rush to hike health premiums

JUNE 28, 2010 By PATRICK RYAN California health-care insurers are pushing for massive premium hikes before the new federal health-care law — which increases federal- and state-government control over health insurance premiums — kicks in. On June 16 the California

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Study lobbies for more spending

JUNE 28, 2010 By LAURA SUCHESKI A report released Thursday from the left-leaning California Budget Project spells bad news for low- and middle-income Californians. The report, titled “Making Ends Meet: How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Family in

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Follow the (Recycling) Money

JUNE 25, 2010 “It is reprehensible that anyone would use taxpayer money for anything other than its intended purpose.” That’s Aaron McLear, spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, speaking to the Los Angeles Times about its revelation that state-issued welfare debit

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Illegals may get more ed aid

JUNE 23, 2010 By LAURA SUCHESKI The Assembly Higher Education Committee considered the SB1460 California Dream Act this afternoon, a law that would extend the ability to apply for state financial aid to illegal immigrants. AB540, enacted in 2001, extends

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