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Life in California

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San Diego plan doesn’t meet NFL demands

The Spanos family, owner of the San Diego Chargers, has made plain it wants out of dilapidated Qualcomm Stadium and has taken aggressive steps toward moving to Carson and jointly building a stadium in the southwest Los Angeles County city

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Key part of San Diego stadium finance plan gets OK

The city of San Diego’s interest in using lease-revenue bonds — which can be issued without specific voter authorization — to raise $200 million for a $1 billion-plus NFL stadium project has been ridiculed as a legally dubious ploy by Chargers

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Sharp divides strain CA on immigration

Pronounced differences around the issues of legal and illegal immigration have split voters, politicians, donors and immigrants themselves — from matters of funding and poverty to jobs and security. By the numbers California has become a flashpoint for immigration politics

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SeaWorld to drop San Diego orca shows

Scrambling to salvage its business amid a wave of negative publicity, SeaWorld has scrapped its traditional orca shows, banking on shaky hopes that the move is enough to turn the tide of criticism. Trying for a reboot “In 2017 we will launch

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NFL saga: Rough day for San Diego, Oakland fans

There hasn’t been much hard news for months in coverage of which NFL team or teams will relocate to Los Angeles, with reporters not having many insights to offer beyond a sense that the St. Louis Rams might have the

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Oakland officials to finally make direct push for Raiders

In the three-way battle over which NFL team or teams will relocate to Los Angeles — and what NFL city or cities will lose teams — Oakland has been unique. In San Diego, Mayor Kevin Faulconer has declared his strong

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Seniors troubled by forced changes in CA health care

A massive 2008 study of more than 300,000 Americans found that the elderly tended to be happier with their lives than most younger people, settled in their relationships and less likely to be roiled by external events. More recent research

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Hometown fans hit NFL over L.A. move

As the National Football League neared a final decision on whether to relocate any franchises to Los Angeles, fans in cities that could lose teams gave the league an earful. Commissioner Roger Goodell recognized how touchy things have become, as an unprecedented

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CA fires could reshape pot landscape

As the smoke cleared from California’s wildfires, analysts agreed that the marijuana industry may never be the same. Legal, illegal and quasi-legal pot farms all faced an extraordinary risk from the blazes. And those which were wiped out were not expected

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Some CA government jobs proving tough to fill

The cost of housing has been an increasingly hot topic in California political circles since late 2012. That’s when a new Census Bureau measure of poverty debuted, one that included the cost of living. It showed the Golden State had

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