Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Right-to-work is a real economic stimulus

Dec. 7, 2012 By Katy Grimes In Michigan, game-changing right to work legislation was just passed. The change will make it legal for employers to pay workers who choose not to be union members, and would make paying union dues voluntary. Currently, Michigan

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Chapman Forecast: More sluggish growth for CA

Nov. 29, 2012 By John Seiler Chapman University’s 35th annual economic forecast projects more sluggish growth for California in 2013. It was presented Wednesday in Costa Mesa before about 1,500 business and community leaders by Chapman President Jim Doti, also

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Things Californians are thankful for this year

Nov. 21, 2012 By John Seiler Here are the things Californians are thankful for this Thanksgiving 2012: Gov. Jerry Brown is thankful California voters are such turkeys they believed his $6 billion tax hike would go to kids, instead of

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Secrecy pollutes first CA cap and trade auction

Nov. 20 2012 By Katy Grimes Ignoring a lawsuit filed by the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Air Resources Board went ahead with its first auction of greenhouse gas allowances last Wednesday, Nov. 14. The results of the auction were

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Gov. Brown’s Prop. 30 ego trip: How … Schwarzeneggerian!

Nov. 19, 2012 By Chris Reed There was a triumphal quality to Jerry Brown’s speech Friday at the Moscone Center in San Francisco that went beyond the governor doing some chest-thumping over the success of Proposition 30. In repeatedly mocking

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It’s official: California now a Third World republic

Nov. 18, 2012 By John Seiler Dan Walters writes: “About a quarter-century ago, I wrote a book about California’s social, economic, demographic and political evolution and quoted a couple of academics as predicting ‘the possible emerging of a two-tier economy.’

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Arnold embarrasses himself in WSJ interview

Nov. 17, 2012 By John Seiler Arnold Schwarzenegger is the hypocrite who keeps on entertaining. He jet-sets around the globe celebrating AB 32, which he signed into law and will cut greenhouse gas emissions in California 25 percent by 2020.

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Sacramento water police warn of penalties

Nov. 3, 2012 Katy Grimes: The Sacramento water police are at it again. But it’s not about water conservation. A tiny blurb on page B3 of Friday’s Sacramento Bee announced the newest water restrictions for the city’s residents: “The City of

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Govt. gasbags silent on gas tax boon

Nov. 1, 2012 By Katy Grimes While nearly every politician in America publicly decries the high cost of gasoline and fuel costs, most are also strangely silent about the soaring gas tax revenues that states are currently enjoying. Californians always

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Do they really want to combat global warming?

Commentary Oct. 31, 2012 By John Seiler Nowadays, almost anything that happens is blamed on “global warming.” Or its more recent euphemism, “climate change.” On his blog, Al Gore just wrote: “For many, Hurricane Sandy may prove to be a

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