Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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U.S., CA Attack Manufacturing

JAN. 25, 2012 By JOHN SEILER New reports show how both the U.S. and California governments have imposed severe anti-manufacturing regulations impeding economic recovery and growth. President Obama and Gov. Jerry Brown pay lip service to creating good middle-class jobs.

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Socialized Health Care Back From Grave

JAN. 19, 2012 By DAVE ROBERTS Like a bad horror movie in which the monster dies only to come back from the grave, socialized medicine has once again reared its ugly head in California. Not content to wait for Obamacare

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Spain’s High-Speed Boondoggle

John Seiler: Spain also has wasted money on a high-speed rail boondoggle, one they actually built. The Bee ran an article on it that tried to make the Iberian choo-choo sound better than it is. But the facts still were

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Arnold’s Bentley Sales Up 37%

John Seiler: I’ve been keeping tabs here on the hypocrisy of ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love of gigantic, gas-guzzling dinosaurs. Since leaving office, he’s been photographed tooling around in a Mercedes G-Wagon SUV, so big it needs an entire Persian Gulf

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Supreme Court Rebukes Crony Capitalism

The following first appeared in City Journal California. JAN. 6, 2012 By STEVEN GREENHUT On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court handed down what the state’s urban redevelopment agencies (RDAs) and their supporters called a “worst of all worlds” ruling—first upholding

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Brown Budget Backs Tax Increases

JAN. 5, 2012 By JOHN SEILER Gov. Jerry Brown today released a budget proposal that reaffirmed his fealty to the public-employee unions. It’s for fiscal year 2012-13, which begins on July 1, 2012. The budget would rise to $92.5 billion

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CA: Best State Billionaires Can Buy

Chriss Street: Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, has come out with a powerful call to arms in opposition to a half dozen ballot initiatives funded by billionaire California crony capitalists. The tax increases often are designed

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CA Lost in Clean Energy Labyrinth

California’s entangled clean energy policy just added another program to an already convoluted, growing bureaucracy. The new program, signed into law August 2 by Gov. Brown, is supposed to assist property owners with financing for green-energy projects. While a financing component

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Calif. Jobless Above Twice Mexico’s

There’s a lot wrong in Mexico. The recent murder spree is one, although that’s largely because the Mexican government is following U.S. government orders to intensify the “war” on drugs. The Mexicans should tell the Yanqui to get lost. Another part

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NASA Exposed Global Warming Hoax

Just as NASA was gaining some steam on blowing the cover off of the global warming hoax using real science, President Barrack Obama threw a monkey wrench into the space program. A new study published by the science journal Remote

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