Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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In California, the Dream Is an Act

JULY 26, 2011 The California dream of an affordable, top-notch state-sponsored education for all is nothing to dream about for legal California students. Just signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown was AB 130, the “California Dream Act of 2011,”

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Arnold Involved In Birth Cert Fraud?

John Seiler: Forget the President Obama “Birther” controversy over his birth certificate. What I want to know is: When did ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger find out that his name was not on the birth certificate for the “love child” he had with

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Green Power Project Jolts Citizens

JULY 20, 2011 By KATY GRIMES In the Southern California city of Chino Hills, there is a palpable anger spreading as the landscape is changing from bedroom community to industrial park. The bedroom community landscape now includes 200-foot electrical towers

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Lawmakers Push Harebrained Bills

Katy Grimes: A ridiculous bill which would have California condo and home owners replacing lawns and traditional grass with astro turf, was just vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Thankfully. SB 759, authored by Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, which would have required homeowners associations to “allow”

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CA Loses $727K on Green Car Flop

John Seiler: Governments almost always lose money when the try to out-guess market demand by investing the taxpayers’ money in a product. It just happened again as the city of Salinas lost $540,000 it invested in a green car company

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Economic Decline Accelerating

John Seiler: The recent phony budget deal that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law anticipated $4 billion in extra revenues from a booming economy. Oops. All the indicators coming out show that the economy is declining again, meaning tax revenues

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Deadbeat California Needs a Payday Loan

JULY 15, 2011 By CHRISS STREET For the State of California and its counties and cities, tax collections tend to be lumpy during the year due to half of all income, corporate and other taxes being collected in the two months

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South Calif. Shouts for Independence

John Seiler: Riverside County Supervisors Jeff Stone just gave up — at least for now — on his call for the secession of the new state of Southern California. Reported the Orange County Register, Stone “had proposed that 13 counties

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Amazon Rallies Affiliates to Fight Tax

JULY 12, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Amazon.com didn’t waste time in working to repeal the so-called “Amazon” tax. The tax was passed last month by the Democratic-controlled Legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown. The tax is

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Nunez: Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Katy Grimes: On the first day of the hearing in a lawsuit against the State of California and former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for commuting the sentence of Esteban Nunez, son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, the elder Nunez clearly

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