Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Schwarzenegger Carbon Footprint ↑

John Seiler: Here’s the latest on the Schwarzenegger split: It now definitely looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s estranged wife Maria Shriver will not be back. The former TV journalist is looking to splash some of her fortune on a $10 million

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Political Chicanery Behind AB 32's Delay

JULY 5, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Looks like ending global warming wasn’t so important after all. In 2012, California was supposed to implement the Cap and Trade part of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Now that’s being delayed

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July 1 Tax Cut Will Boost CA Economy

NOTE: This article first appeared yesterday in Flashreport.org. JUNE 28, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Assuming Republicans in the Legislature stand solid, Californians could get an early Independence Day gift this year: tax cuts. And that gift will provide a needed

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Arnold: Blame Oprah

John Seiler: Now Arnold’s blaming Oprah for his marital problems. Reports Celebs.gather.com: Yes, the disgraced former California governator now blames Oprah Winfrey for the dissolution of his marriage. He’s recently learned that it was the talk show powerhouse/media mogul who

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Forecast: California Economy Stagnating

JUNE 23, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s economy is growing at a slower pace even than the stagnating U.S. Economy. California jobs creation is sharply lower than U.S. jobs creation. The state, basically, has missed the modest recovery of the

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Calif. Economy 47th Worst of States

JUNE 21, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s stagnating economy suffered more bad news by ranking 47th of the 50 states for economic outlook. The ranking comes from the new, fourth edition of “Rich States, Poor States: The ALEC-Laffer State Economic

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Unions Shirk Blame for Killing Jobs

John Seiler: Although public-sector unions are the worst at turning California into a toxic jobs climate, private-sector workers aren’t much better. Union workers now are protesting in Ontario because, according to the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, “Officials from the Teamsters

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Dem majority passes 'scapegoat' budget

JUNE 15, 2011 By KATY GRIMES For the first time since 1933, Democrats passed the state budget, without Republican support, and using only a majority vote. Lawmakers may have met the constitutional deadline of June 15 as ordered by California

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Time to Split California East/West

John Seiler: As I noted earlier, the redistricting essentially splits California in two: about two-thirds of the populace lives in predominantly Democratic coastal areas from the Bay Area down through Los Angeles County. The rest live in predominantly Republican areas,

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Budget Tax Rhetoric Ignores Jobs

JUNE 13, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The NBA season is over. But a full-court press is on by Gov. Jerry Brown and the tax-increase forces in the Legislature and government-employee unions to increase taxes $9 billion. In his video address

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