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Tag "California Legislature"

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Protesters calling for more affordable state interrupt Senate

It was not business as usual in the state Capitol Monday, as protesters calling for anti-poverty measures and a more affordable California interrupted a floor session of the state Senate. Members of the California Poor People’s Campaign have been rallying

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Bocanegra quits on eve of Assembly hearing on new harassment policies

UPDATED AT 1:45 P.M. Seven weeks since stories about Harvey Weinstein in the New York Times and the New Yorker triggered a wave of sexual harassment allegations around the nation, California state lawmakers are on edge both about their pasts

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California Senate bringing in outside firms to investigate sexual harassment allegations

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, announced on Tuesday that the state Senate will hire outside firms to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct at the Capitol in Sacramento – allegations referenced in an open letter signed by women claiming

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End of session defined by higher taxes, anti-Trump and union priorities

SACRAMENTO – California’s legislative session, which completed its work in the wee hours Saturday morning, was one of the more controversial ones in years, given the degree to which the Democratic majority was able to secure various tax and fee

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Bill would revive California’s redevelopment agencies

  SACRAMENTO – California’s redevelopment agencies were a fixture on the local political landscape for six decades, as they guided development policies and grabbed “tax increment financing” that localities used to pay for infrastructure improvements, downtown renovations and affordable-housing projects.

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Democrats and Republicans see different solutions to California housing crisis

SACRAMENTO – Before the recent legislative recess, California Democratic leaders and Gov. Jerry Brown announced their intention to tackle one of the state’s biggest crises: housing affordability. It’s the rare instance where virtually everyone in the Capitol at least is

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CA Legislature seeks data on race, sexual orientation of lobbyists

SACRAMENTO – A letter late last month from the state Legislature’s six special-interest caucuses asking California lobbying firms to provide legislators with detailed demographic data has sparked debate and controversy within the Capitol and media. The Sacramento Bee reported last week

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‘Gender injustice’ behind call to reduce taxes on tampons

SACRAMENTO – In his veto message of a series of tax-reduction bills last September, Gov. Jerry Brown explained that “tax breaks are the same as new spending – they both cost the general fund money.” He said such measures should

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State watchdog agency points to flaws in bond oversight

SACRAMENTO – The Oroville Dam’s near disaster has ignited a long-overdue debate about the condition of California’s infrastructure, and the need for additional investments in its creaky system of dams, levees, freeways, bridges and schools. Democrats and Republicans agree on

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – December 9

Poll: State higher education is too darn expensive Obama sides with Boxer against Feinstein in water rift Rural Republicans bracing for CA’s lurch left Party money loophole key to Democrats’ electoral success  Malibu property owners fined millions for denying public

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