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Tag "computers"

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Industry confronts new CA computer energy regs

  California’s massive computing industry faced the prospect of sweeping changes at the hands of Golden State regulators worried that idle devices are drawing too much power at too great a cost. “All computers sold in California could be required to

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Auditor: State govt. still can’t compute

As the locus of the global high-tech boom, you would think some of that digital dexterity might rub off on the California state government. Nope. A new report from state Auditor Elaine Howle is on the California Department of Consumer Affairs’ BreEZe

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Thieves rip $800,000 in computers from San Jose State

Can’t blame this one on Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Thieves ripped off $800,000 of computer equipment from San Jose State. The Contra Costa Times reported: Without a central warehouse or reliable system for keeping track of the valuables

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LAUSD system does not compute

You’d think a state that’s still by far the center of the global computer industry could produce government computer systems that work right. They don’t. From the Daily News: Ditching Los Angeles Unified’s new computer system, school counselors in the

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Yet another computer fiasco in home of Silicon Valley

Feb. 9, 2013 By Chris Reed Friday’s news that state Controller John Chiang had fired the second contractor hired to upgrade the state government’s computer payroll system for incompetence and poor work — a few years after the first contractor

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Does Not Compute

John Seiler: Over the years I’ve written many times how it  remains a mystery that the state that continues to produce the Internet Revolution can’t get its government computers to work right. That pretty much tells you all you need

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