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Tag "Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee"

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Covered California suffers financial drought

California’s health insurance exchange is running out of money, and without federal grant assistance, may go bottom-up in the near future. Last week, Covered California released its June budget revision, unveiling a $335 million budget, up $2 million from a

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Covered CA throws a party – only 10 sign up

This week California’s Obamacare health insurance exchange, Covered California, rented the Sacramento Convention Center, and opened its doors to the public for a sign-up party, complete with balloons and press. CBS 13 reported 1,500 people showed up to apply and enroll in

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State Dems eager to implement Obamacare train wreck

The wheels may be starting to come off the Obamacare train as it rolls out nationally. But California Democrats are more interested in greasing the skids than preventing what critics fear will be a train wreck. SB 639, by Sen.

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