Tag "debate"

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In debate, Brown mocks Mississippi and Arkansas (i.e., the Clintons)

In Thursday night’s debate between Gov. Jerry Brown and Neel Kashkari, the candidates sounded pretty scripted until Brown was asked about California’s ability to deal with its huge pension shortfalls. Brown depicted that as an absurd question for a wealthy

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Live-blogging Brown/Kashkari debate

CalWatchdog.com will be live-blogging throughout the gubernatorial debate tonight, between Gov. Jerry Brown and challenger Neel Kashkari. The debate kicks off at 7 p.m. Stay tuned…

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Debate ignored issue crucial to California: immigration

Oct. 4, 2012 By John Seiler I agree with my colleague Katy Grimes’ assessment that Mitt Romney easily won last night’s debate. He easily command over President Valium. But the debate ignored an issue critical to California: immigration. Romney won

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Debates: Meg & Jerry should do 25

John Seiler: Meg Whitman is OK with three debates until the November election, Jerry wants 10. But what we should have is two debates every week. That would be about 25. My idea comes from the JFK-Goldwater debates of 1964.

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