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Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez race for U.S. Senate hits fever pitch

  With just a few months remaining in the race to replace outgoing Sen. Barbara Boxer, the struggle has sharpened between leading Northern Californian candidate Kamala Harris and the Southland’s Loretta Sanchez. Seeking an edge against her opponent, who’s leading,

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Fiorina’s rise spotlights CA career

Buoyed by a big debate win, Carly Fiorina’s rise in the polls has brought with it renewed scrutiny of her record as a CEO and Senate candidate in California. After besting her rivals in the first “undercard” debate, Fiorina won

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Romney coattails? In California? Maybe

Oct. 23, 2012 By Chris Reed After Barack Obama’s 61% to 37% wipeout of John McCain in California in 2008, we were spared the quadrennial tradition of some senior Republican peddling the idea that the GOP had a chance at

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