Tag "deportation"

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California sees new ICE raids and immigration arrests

  New Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids have rolled out across Southern California, roiling state officials and triggering rumors of broader actions. But though the Trump administration has focused on expanding the scope and strength of enforcement, the current raids trace back

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Once-undocumented claim half of new CD drivers licenses

Roiled by immigration fears on both sides, California supplied drivers licenses to big numbers of the otherwise undocumented, further sharpening the statewide debate. “California issued more than a half-million driver’s licenses under a new law granting the identifying documents to

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Feds bring immigration confusion to CA

Will they or won’t they? After forming quick — some say stealthy — plans to hand California some 300 undocumented immigrants detained in Texas, the federal government has reversed that decision, only to leave open the prospect of changing it back yet again.

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Blatant lying by Obama on who is responsible for surge in deportations

By Chris Reed Sept. 21 On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported on the fury in some communities over the surge in deportations under the Obama administration. Among the most important points in the report, titled Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011, ICE

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