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Tag "economy"

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Treasurer Chiang talks taxes and the economy

  With the rising conversation about extending Proposition 30‘s temporary taxes, I asked state Treasurer John Chiang if he would advise that the taxes be continued. Chiang said a promise was made that the taxes would be temporary and circumstances would

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The whole truth about California’s employment picture

News on the economy appears good with new national numbers on economic growth released and polls measuring the attitudes about the job market ticking up. However, in California some troubling job numbers don’t get the attention they deserve. While quarterly

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Congress switches to dynamic scoring

This should have happened the last time Republicans took over all of Congress, in 1995. The new GOP majority is switching budget calculations to “dynamic scoring.” The L.A. Times reported: For years, leading GOP lawmakers have wanted to change the

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Economic boom fake

The U.S. economy in the third quarter supposedly enjoyed strong economic growth of 3.5 percent. But look between the lines and the growth was fake. Reported the L.A. Times: Government spending surged 4.6% in the third quarter, the fastest annual

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Missing from CA’s economic ‘comeback’: Los Angeles

Gov. Jerry Brown’s daily push to depict California as being in a sharp rebound from the 2007-2009 economic meltdown ignores the fact that the recession never went away in a majority of the state’s 58 counties, especially those in inland

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CA middle-class jobs shrinking

Life is good in California for the rich, who enjoy the most beautiful place on earth. And for the poor, who enjoy the country’s best welfare benefits. Not so much for the middle class. The Times reported: On the surface,

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Video: Schiff: The next economic crisis

Can we spend our way toward prosperity? Will the world move away from pricing oil in dollars? Peter Schiff tells Cal’s James Poulos about the coming consequences of our economic policies and why you can’t rely on the dollar. Who

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Median household income crashed 1/3

Wonder why you feel so poor? Because you are. According to a new study by the Russell Sage Foundation, in the last decade median household income crashed by 1/3, from $87,992 in 2003 to $56,335 in 2013. The crash started during the

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CA jobs growth continues strong

New data show strong jobs growth continuing in California throughout the year. That’s good news for the state’s workers. And it’s especial good news for one jobholder in particular: Gov. Jerry Brown, who is being coy about a re-election run

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Incomes down for 5th consecutive year

A new report confirms a theme we've advanced here at There has been no economic “recovery.” From the Financial Times: “The typical American family now earns less in real terms than in 1989 after household incomes fell for the

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