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'Last Call' For Republicans

MARCH 7 Throughout history, strong political leaders have had the ability to discipline wayward party members. But currently, California Republicans aren’t exactly in a strong enough position to offer up the usual disciplinary threats: removal from cushy or prestigious committee

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2/3 Wis. 8th Graders Not Proficient

John Seiler: Wisconsin teachers have been on strike. And they object to Gov. Scott Walker’s move to end or limit collective bargaining. They’re also the highest-paid teachers in the Midwest. So, how well are they teaching? This is from CNS

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John Seiler: Here’s yet another outrage from our “public” school system: GPS systems for kids who play hooky. I thought the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Reports the Orange County Register: ANAHEIM – Frustrated by students habitually skipping class, police and

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So What's Not to Like?

John Seiler: If Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax increase isn’t put before voters, and approved by them, columnist George Skelton warns the state will be afflicted with: shorter school years, even higher tuition, elimination of state welfare, crippling

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Black Woman Enslaved

John Seiler: I thought the 13th Amendment abolished slavery? Not for Kelley Williams-Bolar, who is being enslaved in a prison and with “community service” because she sent her kids to the wrong school in the government’s monopoly-school system (itself a

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ACLU right to fight Orwellian preschool microchip

John Seiler: The ACLU is fighting an Orwellian scheme in Contra Costa to microchip preschoolers, as if they were dogs. You have to wonder what kind of people would enslave kids like that. Think back to your own childhood. Wasn’t

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$578 million L.A. school

John Seiler: As a punctuation point to my recent article, “L.A. spends $30K per student,” the LAUSD is opening it’s new $578 million school. It will have, incredibly, 4,200 students. This isn’t school, it’s an educational gulag. Imagine spending 13

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Half of Cal kids flunk

John Seiler: Maybe the reason voters keep electing turkeys to office in California is that the state’s schooling system turns out half-literates. The latest: Statewide, 52 percent of students in grades 2 through 11 tested proficient or advanced in English

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Admin costs crowd out teaching

JULY 26, 2010 By JOHN SEILER A revealing new study shows that in recent years increases in the administrative costs of California’s K-12 schools have squeezed salaries for teachers. It shines a powerful searchlight on exactly what goes on in

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