Tag "Gann Limit"

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Chart shows Brown budget follows Gann Limit

Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislators are congratulating themselves on passing a budget by the June 15 deadline and keeping a lid on spending. They insist they’re avoiding the excess spending that got the state into trouble when past recessions

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San Berdoo declares bankruptcy

July 11, 2012 By John Seiler San Bernardino — San Berdoo to old-time Californios — just declared bankruptcy. The reason, reported the Sun: “In an earlier report to the council, [Acting City Manager] Travis-Miller said the city has faced declining

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Restored Gann Limit Would Balance Budget

MARCH 25, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The problem with Calfornia’s $25 billion budget deficit is that state spending gushed upward in three wild splurges. I’ll list them here. As I do, recall if your pay was increased each year anything

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