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Tag "John Hrabe"

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Controller expands eClaim feature for unclaimed property

California’s chief fiscal officer is making it easier to reclaim private property held by the state. State Controller Betty T. Yee announced earlier this month an expansion of the eClaim feature for the state’s unclaimed property program. Property owners will now

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University of California embraces open access for research

The state’s premiere higher education system has embraced open access publishing. This week, the University of California issued a new open access policy that gives anyone in the world free access to scholarly articles authored by UC employees. That means clinical

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Campaign 2016: Bipartisan group files pension reform initiative

The battle over California’s out-of-control public employee pensions could soon move from the courtroom to the ballot box. A bipartisan group of pension reform advocates, led by former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and former San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio, recently filed a

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State Controller Betty Yee to audit City of Industry

First, it was widespread corruption at the city of Bell. Next, came an even bigger embezzlement scandal in Pasadena. Now, it’s $326 million in cronyism at the City of Industry. This week, State Controller Betty T. Yee announced that her office

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Hertzberg proposes plan to reduce traffic penalties, restore suspended licenses

Drivers who’ve had their licenses suspended could soon get a reprieve. State Sen. Bob Hertzberg, D-Van Nuys, has introduced legislation that would reduce outstanding penalties and fines for drivers with a suspended license. In addition to reducing penalties, Senate Bill

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Lawmakers dismiss efforts to protect property rights from high-speed rail

State lawmakers are forcing property owners “all aboard” the state’s high-speed rail project – whether they like it or not. This month, two state legislative panels blocked efforts by Central Valley Republican lawmakers to guarantee the property rights of those

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After industry compromise, lawmaker pursues more ride-sharing regulations

Just four months after a new state law on ride-sharing took effect, California lawmakers are once again considering more regulations on the thriving industry that has made it easier to get around town. Today, the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee is

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Asm. Lorena Gonzalez proposes labor protections for cheerleaders

Legislative committee hearings aren’t known for their heart-pounding excitement. But, you might hear a round of cheers to excite the crowds at this week’s Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism & Internet Media Committee. On Tuesday, the committee is scheduled to consider

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CalChamber plans another successful year of defeating “job killer” bills

Sacramento’s been taking care of business. Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce, known simply as CalChamber, announced a preliminary draft of its “job killer” bills, an annual list of proposed legislation that will hurt the state’s business community and

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Lawmakers embark on high-speed journey through Japan

As California moves forward with the state’s first high-speed rail system, questions remain about the viability of the $68 billion transportation project. In an effort to better understand the challenges posed by high-speed rail, a delegation of three state Senators spent the

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