Tag "John Seiler"

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Walters Wrong: Arnold DID Wreck Budget

MAY 30, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Dan Walters is the dean of California columnists. But sometimes he gets one wrong. In the wake of ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personal problems, attacks have increased on Arnold’s performance as governor, especially on the

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Friends Remember Alan Bock

John Seiler: Our great friend Alan Bock is remembered today in The Orange County Register’s commentary section. Many friends wrote heartfelt short article about this good man’s kindness, wisdom and contributions to liberty. Two of the pieces are by my

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Memorial Day Weekend in So. Cal.

John Seiler: Forget politics for a couple of days. It’s a beautiful Memorial Day weekend in Southern California. Yesterday I took this picture of a 59 Cadillac. What a beauty. It was in front of a Bank of America in

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Local Tax Hikes Would Split CA

John Seiler: The latest fiscal folly is Senate President Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg’s bill, SB 653, to allow local governments to increase taxes above state levels. They already can do so with county sales taxes with a vote of the people.

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CFT Explains Tax-Increase Strategy

MAY 26, 2011 By JOHN SEILER If you listen to people in the political game, they usually tell you what they’re going to do. But you sometimes have to check out their internal communications. One of my best sources is

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GOP Budget Sellout Coming?

John Seiler: The June 15 budget deadline is approaching fast. This year, legislators’ pay will be docked if they don’t make the deadline. So it looks like the Kabuki dance is starting in earnest in the Capitol to get four

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Enquirer: Arnold Guards Covered Up

John Seiler: Arnold’s past finally is catching up with him. The latest comes from the National Enquirer. Sure, the tabloid doesn’t exactly have the most sterling reputation. On the other hand, they’re the ones who got the goods on John

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Does Prison Decision Violate States' Rights?

MAY 25, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Tuesday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, effectively putting the federal courts in charge of California prisons, directly involved the question of states’ rights. The decision, Brown vs. Plata, mandated that from 38,000 to 46,000

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Why Are We Surprised at Arnold?

John Seiler: Although other people have been surprised, I must say that I haven’t been surprised at any of the revelations about ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his gutter morality. When he ran for governor back in 2003, all the indications

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Court Decision Could Spur Prison Reform

MAY 23, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision mandating California state prison reductions must lead to long-needed reforms. The decision upheld a lower court ruling that from 38,000 to 46,000 must be released due to overcrowding that

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