Tag "John Seiler"

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Arnold's Back — Crass as Ever

APRIL 19, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Since he left office in disgrace on January 3, we haven’t heard much from ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Shriver. After spending seven years in office wrecking the state, he’s mostly kept to himself. Despite his

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Gov. Jerry's Pension 'Reform' Joke

John Seiler: Just over 100 days old, we’re getting to see how the Brown administration has one guiding principle: of the unions, by the unions, for the unions. Last month, Gov. Jerry proposed a pathetic pension “reform” that my colleague

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Government's Favorite Day

By John Seiler: Today is government’s favorite day: Tax day. It comes three days later this year, on April 18. The usual date is April 15. The reason is that, this year, April 15, is celebrated in Washington, D.C. as

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CA Business Exodus Accelerates

APRIL 14, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As fast as was the business exodus from California last year, it’s even faster in 2011. The new Pharaoh, Jerry Brown, also is not relenting in his oppressions of business. According to the latest

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CA Court Rejects Pension Reform

John Seiler: “No matter whether the country follows the flag or not, the Supreme Court follows the election returns,” is a famous saying by humorist Finley Peter Dunne. He was speaking about the U.S. Supreme Court. But the it applies

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Will July CA Tax Cuts Spur Recovery?

APRIL 14, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In the hullabaloo over extending tax increases, one thing is being overlooked: As things now stand, on July 1, just 10 weeks away, California gets some pretty hefty tax cuts. You’ll have more change

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A Vote on Taxes? Never Mind

John Seiler: For more than three months now, we’ve been lectured by Gov. Jerry Brown, his fellow Democrats and government union leaders that voters must be given a choice on raising taxes. Never mind! — as Emily Litella used to

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Meg's Back! Speaks at Conference

John Seiler: Meg Whitman has mostly ducked the public eye since being wiped out in last November’s election for governor, after wasting around $180 million of her own dough. But she just made a speech at conference on the economy

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Guards Imprison Gov. Brown

APRIL 12, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Call me a bleeding heart, but I think prisoners should be treated humanely. In most American prisons, they’re treated like animals — actually, the ASPCA would get anyone who treated animals like that arrested

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Forced March to the May Revise

APRIL 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Things are looking bleaker by the day for Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax hike. So far, Republicans have remained rock solid against it, denying him the two GOP sellout votes he needs

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