Tag "John Seiler"

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So how great is Obamacare/Covered CA doing?

Michael Hiltzik writes that Obamacare is doing fantastic: “Against all odds and expectations, enrollments in health plans qualified under the Affordable Care Act are surging Monday toward — and maybe beyond — the 7-million figure projected by the Congressional Budget Office before

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Andreessen: Does company HQ in CA violate fiduciary duty?

You might remember Marc Andreessen. He co-authored Mosaic, the first decent Web browser, which I remember using when I got on the Net back in 1994. It became Netscape, which became Firefox. He’s still a big tech investor. He just

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3 senators suspended — WITH pay

Sens. Leland Yee, Ronald S. Calderon and Roderick Wright have been suspended by the state Senate. So they can’t keep voting on legislation, 99 percent of which is unneeded, expensive and wasteful. But they’ll still get paid themselves, according to

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Gangsters in the Facebook Age

What would Don Corleone say? Organized crime on Facebook? According to the Chronicle: “Raymond ‘Shrimp Boy’ Chow made an appearance in federal court today and remains locked up after his arrest on charges including money laundering, but he also somehow made an appearance

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Earthquake just hit Orange County

9:11 pm. About 3 minutes ago, an earthquake rolled through Orange County. In Huntington Beach, where I live, it lasted about 45 seconds. My guess is that it was not in O.C. because of the rolling. My dogs were acting

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A modest proposal on political scandals

Here’s a modest proposal on political scandals. When a politician is indicted, then taxes are reduced equivalent to his proportional representation of the people. The reasoning is this: He was corrupt, therefore he wasted tax dollars. So citizens shouldn’t have

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Sen. Yee indicted on corruption charges

This just in, from the Mercury-News: SAN FRANCISCO — State Senator Leland Yee has been indicted for public corruption as part of a major FBI operation this morning in the Bay Area, according to ABC7 news. A San Francisco police

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CA Dems back tax cut

Will wonders never cease? Three years ago, Democrats in the Legislature were upset when Republicans denied them the two-thirds votes needed in the Assembly and Senate to put a tax increase on the ballot. Led by Gov. Jerry Brown, they

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Analysis: Kashkari unveils economic plan

Neel Kashkari is running for governor under the slogan, “Jobs. Education. That’s it.” The Republican businessman today released his detailed, 26-page plan for the first part of that promise: Jobs. The title is, “Neel Kashkari’s Jobs Plan: Rebuilding the Middle

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Covered California to register voters

Covered California, the state’s implementation of Obamacare, now will be mailing voter registration cards to enrollees. Given that most of these folks are poor, and poor people tend to vote Democratic, this is a big boon for the Democratic Party

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