Tag "John Seiler"

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Nothing can change the shape of President Jerry Brown

Gov. Jerry Brown isn’t ruling out a 2016 presidential run. I well remember his first presidential bid, way back in 1976 when he was a young governor of 38 and I was a younger political writer of 21 on my

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Video: Mike Rowe on the hidden cost of compliance

There are a lot of dirty jobs few people want to do, but which are essential to keep society going. Mike Rowe features them in his Discovery Channel show, “Dirty Jobs.” Another aspect of dirty jobs is that those who

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Study: Caesar and Robin Hood enjoyed warmer climate

Toga! Toga! Toga! Ever wonder why the ancient Romans built an “empire without end,” to quote Virgil, while walking around in togas? Because it was a lot warmer then than now. And why Robin Hood ran around Sherwood Forest in

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Common Core question soon facing your CA kids

California enthusiastically is embracing the new national Common Core standards for students. Here’s an actual question of the sort that’s going to be facing the students, as posted on a quiz page on the site for the Genesco Commnuity Unit School District

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Californians turning on unions

People with too much power are setting themselves up for a fall. In democracies, voters sometimes decide things, punishing one group with too much power, while rewarding others with less power. So it was inevitable that Californians would turn against

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Paul Ryan budget deal begs question: Why Republicans?

January will begin in earnest the California mid-term election cycle. Although Gov. Jerry Brown’s seat likely is secure, assuming he’s running for re-election, Republicans hope to gain seats in the California Legislature and in California’s delegation to the U.S. House

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Sen. Blakeslee backs publisher whose kids were taken

Karen Velie is the co-founder and publisher of CalCoastNews.com. While in the process of working through the San Luis Obispo County Social Services system to become her grandchildren’s guardian, Velie was arrested for a DUI on Aug. 13. Because of the

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Eric Peters details why we fear the police

My favorite car reviewer and auto guru is Eric Peters of EricPetersAutos.com. In a new article he aptly explains how cops have gone berserk against citizens. Eric Peters: If it is reasonable – justifiable – for a cop to base every interaction with

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CalPERS is worried

Last week, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes ruled that Detroit city workers’ pensions could be part of the Chapter 9 proceedings. So the pensions could be cut substantially. That obviously affects the federal bankruptcy trial for San Bernardino and, potentially, Desert

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Mega spy satellite launched from CA

If you live in Southern California, the rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base north of Los Angeles can be breathtaking. Even if you live way down in Orange County. Also breathtaking is what was the payload of the latest

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