Tag "John Seiler"

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9th Circuit assaults 1st Amendment

  The federal 9th Circuit Court is known for its tyrannical ways. Now it has upheld California’s tyrannical ban on so-called “gay-to-straight therapy” for children. The law, passed last year, on its face violates the 1st Amendment right to freedom

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Now Rolling Stone worships Jerry

  The East Coast media, ever ignorant of California, keep worshiping Gov. Jerry Brown and his supposed “rescue” of California. The latest is from Rolling Stone magazine, which started out in San Francisco but moved to New York City 35

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SWATs Gone Wild

  A couple of days ago in this article I debated come commentators about cop SWAT teams. I pointed out how they commonly were abused, and we’d be better off without them. This new story comes from Charlottesville, Virginia, the

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German stormtroopers grab homeschooling children

Using a Nazi-era law that forced children to become “Hitler Youth,” German stormtroopers yesterday barged into the Wunderlich home in Darmstadt and grabbed the family’s four children, ages 7 to 14. Reported the Home School Legal Defense Association, whose heroic

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$1.2 billion in new jails still haven’t been built

  What incompetents. To ease overcrowding, in 2007 the Legislature authorized $1.2 billion for local jails to expand. That was before both the Great Recession hit. Before a federal judge ordered the state to reduce overcrowding in state prisons. And

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Chronicle, ACLU garble history

Are Americans this ignorant of history? Here’s the Chronicle story: Relic of the Red Scare about to vanish After 72 years, it’s time to say goodbye to the California Subversive Organizations Registration Law. Enacted in 1941 to require organizations to

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Corporatist state takes over telecom

America really doesn’t have a free-market economy. Rather, it has a corporatist economy — that is, the union of state power and big business. The latest example:, from the Wall Street Journal: “The U.S. government has used the merger-approval process

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‘There’s no state tax in Houston’

The Houstan Texans fielded a young team last year that won through the first round of the playoffs, then lost to New England in the divisional round. They’re looking to make it all the way to the Super Bowl this

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Avoiding Filners

Not just women should avoid future Bob Filners, but everybody. Filner just resigned as mayor of San Diego, America’s Finest City, after multiple accusations of assaulting women arose. Our friend Steven Greenhut writes: “That process of lying and rationalization was

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Monterey Co. pays $2.6 million in wrongful death by cops

  This is from William Norman Grigg, America’s best reporter on police brutality: After eluding the police for more than a week, Alejandro Gonzalez surrendered in San Jose on January 10, 2011. The 22-year-old was the suspect in a non-fatal

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