Tag "John Seiler"

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Raytheon splits California

May 7, 2013 By John Seiler The California economy seems to be doing well. Unemployment is down. The governor’s May Revise of the budget surplus, due next week, likely will report an unexpected $4.5 billion in extra revenue. Except that

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TX soaring way above CA in energy production

May 6, 2013 By John Seiler The California fantasy is that energy magically will flow in abundance from windmills and solar panels, even when there’s no wind and at night. The reality is that it’s old-fashioned “fossil” fuels that will

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CalWatchDog.com Website problems

May 5, 2013 By John Seiler We’ve had some problems with our Website this weekend, but it’s back up now. Thank you for bearing with us.    

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Bad and good advice for the GOP on Latinos

May 2, 2013 By John Seiler Obviously, the Republican Party needs to do more to attract Latino voters. But it’s getting bad advice from many quarters on what to do. I have some good advice at the end of the

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Amusing liberal plan to split America

May 1, 2013 By John Seiler Whatever America’s many problems, liberals continue to amuse us. The latest is a diatribe in the liberal news site The Daily Beast/Newsweek, “Memo to the South: Go Ahead, Secede Already!” by Lee Siegel, who

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As we predicted, pensions eating up Prop. 30 education funds

April 30, 2013 By John Seiler As Bill Clinton might put it, it’s in the math. In the lead up to the November 6 election last fall, CalWatchdog.com ran several articles on Proposition 30 and pensions. We warned that the $7

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Senate pushing nutty new school-finance scheme

April 29, 2013 By John Seiler The state supposedly “balanced” its budget only with the Prop. 30 tax increase. Three California cities declared bankruptcy last year. Businesses keep streaming out to greener pastures. So what does the California Legislature do?

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Real school reform: homeschooling

April 28, 2013 By John Seiler Public schools are a disaster, especially in California. Plummeting test scores, not enough kids going into math and science so we have to import workers in those areas, rising costs, violence, gangs, bullying, exploding

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Key parts of the immigration reform bill

April 25, 2013 By John Seiler You’re probably not going to read all 844 pages of the new immigration bill being drafted by the Gang of 8 in Congress. Neither will your congressman or senator read all of it before

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How about a $100 per hour minimum wage?

April 25, 2013 By John Seiler The Democrats who run California believe they are “progressives.” They want to “help the poor, the working classes, the proletariat.” Hardly. Their latest sop to the oppressed: they want to increase the minimum wage

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