Tag "John Seiler"

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Victor Davis Hanson: ‘California is very hard to screw up’

Dec. 6, 2012 By John Seiler “California is very hard to screw up,” noted author Victor Davis Hanson told about 130 California business and community leaders Wednesday. He spoke at the Freedom Forum held at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport

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Sen. Lou Correa attacks free-speech rights

Dec. 5, 2012 By John Seiler Campaign finance “reform” always means one thing: attacking the other guy’s funding sources under the guise of “good government.” That’s happening with a bill by state Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, to reveal so-called

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Do Dem or Rep presidents most help the poor?

Dec. 3, 2012 By John Seiler Sometimes I wonder if people can think anymore. Today the L.A. Times ran an op-ed piece, “Why the poor favor Democrats.” Subheadline: “Data show unequivocally that minorities do better under Democratic administrations than under

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Americans exiting for jobs

Dec. 3, 2012 By John Seiler I was reading about how, in the late 1980s during the Reagan prosperity, there was a shortage of workers. The top federal income tax rate was 28 percent. In California, the top state rate

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Middle class being wiped out

Dec. 2, 2012 By John Seiler It’s not just the recent economic and political nonsense by both parties that’s hurting the middle class. It’s more than four decades of it. A new study finds: “The median net worth of American households

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Study: California worst-run state

Dec. 1, 2012 By John Seiler 247 Wall Street once again ranked California as the worst-run state in the (increasingly Soviet) Union. That’s depressingly bad, considering we’re even worse than Illinois, New York, New Jersey and other high-tax, high-regulation, anti-jobs,

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Chapman Forecast: More sluggish growth for CA

Nov. 29, 2012 By John Seiler Chapman University’s 35th annual economic forecast projects more sluggish growth for California in 2013. It was presented Wednesday in Costa Mesa before about 1,500 business and community leaders by Chapman President Jim Doti, also

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Businesses fleeing CA taxes before ‘revenue cliff’

Nov. 29, 2012 By John Seiler Just after I wrote an article yesterday on millionaires avoiding taxes, I met a guy I hadn’t seen in four years. He told me about a friend of his who owns a small factory

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Will millionaires avoid Prop. 30 tax increase?

Analysis Nov. 28, 2012 By John Seiler During the recent campaign, Gov. Jerry Brown insisted that people would not try to avoid his Proposition 30 tax increase by halting investments and “hiding” their money. Prop 30 boosts the top state

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Riordan drops L.A. pension reform

Nov. 27, 2012 By John Seiler It looks like only bankruptcy will bring pension reform to Los Angeles. Former Mayor Richard Riordan just dropped his efforts to put San Jose-San Diego-style pension reform before the city’s voters: “The sudden retreat

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