Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Powerful CA unions pushing ‘fair share health care’

May 29, 2013 By Katy Grimes Labor unions are on the attack and using the legislative process to take down Walmart and other non-union businesses using the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare A bill aimed at forcing large non-union

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Special interest union bill may die in Assembly

May 29, 2013 By Katy Grimes Occasionally the Legislature gets it right and kills a bad bill. Today may be one of those days. AB 1333 by Assemblyman Roger Hernandez, D-West Covina, is an ugly piece of special interest legislation.

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Expected Vidak-Perez runoff would spark national attention

May 30, 2013 By Katy Grimes Only hours after appearing to win the election outright for State Senate District 16 last week, many in the political media were opining that Andy Vidak had it easy during this special election, but

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Sacramento family fights seizure of child by CPS

May 24, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — A Sacramento couple recently had their baby ripped from their arms at their home by Sacramento Child Protective Services workers, with the help of local police, after telling a Sacramento hospital they wanted

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Assembly bill would stall local pension reform efforts

May 24, 2013 By Katy Grimes A bill to make it nearly impossible for local ballot initiatives to reform generous labor pensions was passed by the Assembly Thursday by a 50-18 vote. AB 822 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Los Angeles,

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One more Obamacare snafu

May 23, 2013 By Katy Grimes There is yet one more snafu in the Obamacare health care law — paying for it. The new federal health law, going into effect January 1, 2014, requires most Americans to carry health insurance.

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CA State Hospitals flout legislative process

May 22, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — The Department of State Hospitals appears to be flouting the legislative process. Instead of getting legislative approval for a $50 million expansion, they’ve been implementing the changes since February, and just now

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Assembly bill would extend ‘cradle-to-career’ state education

May 21, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Some California educators want to educate your children “cradle-to-career.” In support of President Obama’s proposal to significantly increase federal spending on early childhood education and care, Assembly Concurrent Resolution 45 is by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber,

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Caltrans Bay Bridge delays shun private solutions

May 20, 2013 By Katy Grimes The Caltrans Bay Bridge debacle is worse than just a case of embarrassment for government infrastructure projects. The bridge is unsafe, according to engineering experts across the country, after the discovery that a third

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No spare change under the dome

May 20, 2013 By Katy Grimes During his press briefing last week while discussing the state’s lack of budgeting flexibility, Gov. Jerry Brown said, “Anyone who thinks there’s spare change around here, they haven’t read the budget.” Brown released his

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