Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Cal State teachers ‘bulldogging’ for Prop. 30

Oct. 16, 2012 By Katy Grimes Even after California State University instructors received a mild rebuke for campaigning for Proposition 30 during class time, Gov. Jerry Brown is now making rounds to the state’s colleges and universities trying to convince students

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Katy Grimes dissects Prop. 31

Oct. 16, 2012 By Brian Calle CalWatchDog.com’s Capitol reporter, Katy Grimes, describes what’s really going on with Proposition 31, a budget initiative.  

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Cities vying for local control on Nov. ballot

Oct. 16, 2012 By Katy Grimes In addition to a government reform ballot initiative attempting to stop unions from using employee dues for political purposes, three cities have initiatives on the November ballot asking voters to allow a constitutional change

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Prop. 32 would curb union dominance

Oct. 15, 2012 By Katy Grimes Long ago it became evident that a passion for teaching in California schools was overshadowed by union membership. Far too many teachers became flag-waving union members, choosing union activism over student achievement. Proposition 32,

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State government is always growing

Oct. 15, 2012 Katy Grimes: It appears that California state government is thriving and growing, while private sectors businesses shrink, close, or move away from California. Last week, Gov. Jerry Brown announced another list of expensive appointments to state agencies

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Polls show smarmy Biden loses VP debate

Oct. 12, 2012 Katy Grimes: I couldn’t decide if Vice Presidential incumbent Joe Biden was manic during the VP debate last evening, or just being condescending and rude to intimidate challenger Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. Rude, condescending, and just weird,

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Fear and loathing of charter schools

Oct. 10, 2012 Katy Grimes: I received a distressed phone call yesterday from a reader about a starling accusation of school cheating. This reader, whose children attend the Oxford Preparatory Academy, which runs charter schools in Mission Viejo and Chino,

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Is Prop 33 consumer friendly or not?

Oct. 11, 2012 By Katy Grimes Should your good driver discount follow you when you change insurance companies? Proposition 33 will allow insurance companies to offer discounts to new customers who can prove they were continuously covered by any licensed auto insurance company

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Cyber thieves robbing U.S. businesses

Oct. 10, 2012 By Katy Grimes   Crooks are breaking into banks and stealing money. But it’s not Baby Face Nelson or Jesse James doing the robberies. Today’s thieves and crooks don’t have cool sounding names. These are nameless, faceless,

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Video: Election watch: Props. 30 & 38

Oct. 9, 2012 Both California Governor Jerry Brown and the Teacher’s union put a tax hikes on the ballot. What happens if both pass? CalWatchDog.com’s Katy Grimes has the analysis.  

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