Tag "Katy Grimes"

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CARB versus the Carburetor

JAN. 31, 2012 By KATY GRIMES The carburetor is losing the battle in California. Instead of acknowledging that auto designers and manufacturers are continually refining the internal combustion engine for efficiency, global warming activists want to scrap the engine. In

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Bills Address High-Speed Gravy Train

Katy Grimes: Gov. Jerry Brown announced over the weekend that he plans to fund California’s High-Speed Rail system through the state’s cap and trade program. There is a problem with this plan however, at the moment, it’s a good problem –

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Petty Lawsuit Shows Leaders’ Motive

Katy Grimes: A petty lawsuit filed by Assembly Speaker John Perez and Senate Pres. Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg against the state Controller demonstrates the legal levels the Democratic leaders are willing to go. While it may sound as if this

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Bored CA Billionaire Groups Merge

JAN. 28, 2012 “Think Forward and Long” or “Think Long and Forward California.” I suggest one of those as the new name for the merging government reform groups California Forward and Think Long.  Because the ridiculousness of the name should be as

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Root Canal For Single-Payer Health Bill

JAN. 26, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Despite warnings that tooth decay in children can lead to a life in prison, the latest attempt at a single-payer health care bill in California failed to pass the Senate Thursday. Surprising many supporters,

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Hollywood-Style Rail Pander

Katy Grimes: In the OMG category, I caught a 30 second commercial tonight on a local Sacramento television channel that asked, “Wanna go to the Grammys? Get your creative juices flowing and create a 30 second commercial about the excitement

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Initiative Would Bring Back Part-Time Leg

JAN. 24, 2012 By KATY GRIMES A ballot initiative planned for the November ballot could result in fewer bills coming out of the Capitol, potentially saving California taxpayers and business owners “tens of millions of dollars.” Despite widespread disapproval of

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SMUD’s Creative Rate Increase Lingo

Katy Grimes: The Sacramento Municipal Utility District is changing some of its rate terminology in order to charge higher rates. The utility company claims that it really is “an effort to better define for customers what they are paying for and

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Big Savings With Part-Time Leg.

Katy Grimes: Limiting the Legislature to only 95 days each year and $18,000 per year salaries would save the state tens of millions of dollars per year, according to a new report by the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office. Currently the

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Sacramento’s Sinking Economy

Katy Grimes: How far does Sacramento have to fall before its citizens show some inkling of caring? A new Brookings Institution study shows just how far out of touch Sacramento is economically, with the rest of the country and major

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