Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Assembly Crime and Punishment

Katy Grimes: It’s never surprising when the wrath of the Speaker of the Assembly comes down on a member for failing to support the party in power on a crucial vote. That’s the way of Capitol politics. What is surprising,

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Hahn-Huey Dogfight for Cong. District

JULY 11, 2011 By KATY GRIMES After the February resignation of Democratic Rep. Jane Harman from the 36th Congressional District, most political observers assumed that it would be just another ho-hum political race. They expected a Democrat would easily win in

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Nunez: Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Katy Grimes: On the first day of the hearing in a lawsuit against the State of California and former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for commuting the sentence of Esteban Nunez, son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, the elder Nunez clearly

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Calderon Pushing Hinky 'Gut-Amend' Bill

JULY 11, 2011 By KATY GRIMES A bill just signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown is apparently being reincarnated — but for what purpose is known only to the bill’s author and perhaps Democratic Party leadership. AB 155, by

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Beating A Dead Bill

Katy Grimes: Last week, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law the Amazon tax bill, AB 1X 28, which charges a use tax on purchases from out-of-state Internet sellers. But yesterday one of the Amazon tax bills was on the agenda in

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California Budget: Austerity or Audacity?

JULY 7, 2011 It’s not over. Even though Gov. Jerry Brown signed the budget on June 30, lawmakers are churning out more legislation. And Capitol legislative committees are currently hearing hundreds of new spending and regulation bills. Facing a $26

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Banning Junk Food At The State

Katy Grimes: Another ridiculous bill is traveling through the Legislature which would kill more small businesses in California because Big Brother wants you to lose weight. AB 727 authored by Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, would require 50 percent of the

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Subsidizing A Broke Sacramento

Katy Grimes: Sacramento is living proof that the left hand doesn’t know what the other left hand is doing. Forget the right hand – there is no “right” in Sacramento. Despite the city’s $60 million deficit, city officials and several

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Teachers Union Throws Kids Under the Bus

JULY 5, 2011 By KATY GRIMES In an 11th hour budget move, Democrat lawmakers slipped a bill through the Assembly and Senate on behalf of the California Teachers Association. It protects teacher jobs over the educational rights of California’s children.

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Honest, Painful Budget Finalized

Katy Grimes:  By lunch time today, Gov. Jerry Brown finished signing the rest of the budget bills reducing state spending by an additional $15 billion, and creating a $500,000 million reserve. Without a news conference or any pomp and circumstance,

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