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Tag "LCFF"

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Pressure mounts on Gov. Newsom to fix education funding for English learners

A scathing audit on school funding that found the state did not meet promises made six years ago to help English language learners, foster children and students from poor families sets up a 2020 test of the clout of the

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State auditor will review how $30 billion in Local Control Funding Formula grant money was spent

New reports show that six years after Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature approved a sweeping overhaul in how school funds were divvied up, the evidence is mixed that the overhaul is accomplishing its main goal: improving the academic performance

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Poor test scores raise new doubts about landmark 2013 school finance law

Five years after Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature passed a sweeping new school finance law meant to provide extra help to struggling students in poor, minority communities, new federal test scores raise difficult questions about the effectiveness of the

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Study: More funding, local autonomy improved graduation rates

California’s adoption of the Local Control Funding Formula in 2013 has been a win for the Golden State’s education system, according to a new UC Berkeley/Learning Policy Institute study. Passed in 2013, LCFF provided school districts with more discretion in

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Study raises doubts about effects of local control in schools

When Gov. Jerry Brown persuaded the Legislature to pass the Local Control Funding Formula in 2013 – the biggest change in public education in California this century – he used two main selling points. The first was that the law would direct

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Why CTA is spending millions to pass Prop. 55

California voters face a daunting challenge in November in that they’ll be asked to become familiar with a stunning 17 ballot measures. Some consultants fear that this will overwhelm many voters, who will choose either to vote no on everything

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3 new studies rap how school ‘reform’ law is working

In 2013, after working with the Legislature for months on a comprehensive overhaul of California’s public school finances, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The governor called the law “historic” and hailed its dual goals: providing

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Many CA English learners classified as learning disabled

A new study of how English-learner students are taught in California raises profound questions about how seriously the state and many school districts take their responsibility to these students. The study — prepared by researchers from Stanford, UC Santa Cruz,

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Police anger over new law could shake CA Dem coalition

California’s Democratic Party has dominated the state Legislature so thoroughly since Republican Gov. Pete Wilson left office in 1999 that it may be difficult to imagine the party fracturing and losing its control in Sacramento. But given the tensions between

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Former Long Beach superintendent: Break up LAUSD

Carl Cohn, the former Long Beach and San Diego superintendent who is considered one of the wise men of California public education, has a radical idea: Break up the Los Angeles Unified School District. Since he left the State Board of

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