Tag "Medicare"
Back to homepageState finds savings in minimum wage increase, but counties get the bill
The good news: Last year’s deal to increase the minimum wage won’t cost the state nearly as much as was projected. The bad news: Providing certain health care services just became way more expensive for the counties. The Brown administration is ending
Read MoreNew laws target old CA problem: Workers’ comp fraud
Critics of a California workers’ compensation system that is both among the nation’s costliest and not particularly good at providing care to injured employees are enjoying two triumphs. Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed Assembly Bill 1244, a bill introduced by
Read MoreSeniors troubled by forced changes in CA health care
A massive 2008 study of more than 300,000 Americans found that the elderly tended to be happier with their lives than most younger people, settled in their relationships and less likely to be roiled by external events. More recent research
Read MoreCA expands health entitlements
As California included some unlawful immigrants in Medi-Cal, its version of the Medicaid program, a new study suggested that, nationwide, that population is holding down the costs of health entitlements. The findings promised to sharpen the debate over immigration reform and its connection to
Read MoreCovered CA hits familiar rough patch
As a number of state exchanges across the country struggle and fold, Covered California — by far one of the most successful — has begun to experience similar challenges. Dramatic cuts Covered California officials portrayed a slate of new budget
Read MorePolitically connected HealthCare Partners sidestepped licensing for 10 years
Part One of a series May 3, 2013 By Katy Grimes One of the original pioneers of the Obamacare patient networks, HealthCare Partners, has been operating in California without the required state license. But according to health care experts
Read MoreObamacare to raise CA costs, shutter Anaheim hospital
March 27, 2013 By John Seiler Many people, including yours truly, have warned that Obamacare would lead to higher costs and worse medical care. That’s now happening like a heart attack. A new estimate by the Society of Actuaries pegs
Read MorePolls show smarmy Biden loses VP debate
Oct. 12, 2012 Katy Grimes: I couldn’t decide if Vice Presidential incumbent Joe Biden was manic during the VP debate last evening, or just being condescending and rude to intimidate challenger Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. Rude, condescending, and just weird,
Read MoreObamacare Will Amputate California Dream
FEB. 28, 2012 by WAYNE LUSVARDI Rationing health care under Obamacare will end up politicizing and bankrupting the medical financing system, just as Medicare does. And there will be middle-class resistance to Obamacare when it is realized that this will
Read MoreCA Obamacare Lead Will Hurt
JAN. 27, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The U.S. House of Representatives, now controlled by Republicans, voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly called Obamacare. The U.S Senate, still controlled by Democrats, will not follow
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