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Tag "Paul Krugman"

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Jerry Brown expresses satisfaction with CA’s 24% poverty rate

If you live in a state that has by far the highest effective poverty rate in the U.S. — at just under one-quarter of the population — you would seem unlikely to express satisfaction with the economics status quo. But

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Economist called genius by left backs Prop. 13-style wealth protection

It may seem wonky and obscure now, but I bet it’s going to emerge as a strong, enduring counterpunch to Proposition 13 critics. I refer to the fact that French economist Thomas Piketty — the hottest, in the media sense,

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Why no Asian Nobel economics laureates?

Fabled investor Jim Rogers brings up an important point: Why has there never been an Asian winner of the Nobel economics prize? Yet during the 44 years the prize has been awarded, it’s Asia’s economic dynamism that has astounded the

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Covered California admits ‘mistake’ that made it seem a success

So Covered California has admitted a mistake in its initial description of signups for California’s version of Obamacare, and it was that fake description that led to stories across the nation about Obamacare getting off to a great start in

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Actual state residents would struggle to recognize Paul Krugman’s California

What is it about California that inspires such insistently cheerful happy talk from New York Times columnist/Princeton professor Paul Krugman? This spring he claimed that California was in the middle of a roaring comeback. Has he ever been here? Read

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CA minimum-wage hike: Expect 'very large' effect on low-wage jobs

Gov. Jerry Brown's signalling that he'll approve a bill to raise in two steps the minimum wage from $8 an hour to $10 an hour has prompted the usual dumb coverage of minimum wage increases, which notes that business groups/Republicans

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CA and Obamacare: Media offer happy talk, not analysis

May 31, 2013 By Chris Reed Last week, when the California agency that has the lead role in implementing Obamacare announced the rate structure for various insurance plans to be offered beginning Jan. 1, 2014, the media jumped to a

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CA comeback mostly about shifting funds around

April 10, 2013 By Wayne Lusvardi Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times an article, “Lessons from a Comeback.” However, a comeback for state government should not be confused with an economic or jobs recovery. A number of liberal, conservative and moderate

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Krugman distorts how CA works

April 9, 2013 By John Seiler At, we’ve published some articles on Paul Krugman’s column praising California supposedly new, high-tax, big-spend liberal government. I read the column again and a few more comments are necessary. He might have a Nobel Prize

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Another East Coast liberal misjudges CA

April 1, 2013 By John Seiler California is such a complex state that it’s often amusing when East Coast liberals try to explain it to us. The latest is from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. His article appeared in

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