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CalSTRS pension fix harder on taxpayers than UC fix

In the newly enacted 2015-16 state budget, the University of California has agreed to major pension changes, building on revisions already made under Gov. Jerry Brown since 2011. This account is from the Sacramento Bee: As part of an arrangement

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Modest-seeming CalSTRS pension estimate lacks key context

The California Teachers Association and the California Federation of Teachers do a good job of promoting the narrative that state teacher pensions are very modest at best. It’s true that there aren’t the same type of outrageous stories that we see in

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Typical Sacramento: Weak CalSTRS fix made even weaker

So Gov. Jerry Brown is finally forced by events to come up with a CalSTRS pension rescue plan. And as Dan Borenstein points out, it’s so cautious that it doesn’t prevent CalSTRS’ underfunding from getting worse for some time to

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Pension follies: New Jersey adopts insane San Diego approach

California leads the way when it comes to government pension dysfunction. The first big city to be stricken by pension costs in the U.S. was San Diego, leading to the memorable 2004 New York Times’ description of it as “Enron

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BART strike would provide needed clarity on compensation, union power

If I was an advisor to Gov. Jerry Brown, I’d recommend he let the BART strike play out without government intervention. California would be much more governable if voters understood that collective bargaining is holding taxpayers hostage, and more exposure

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CalPERS boss: Losses on ‘cleantech’ bets are ‘noble’

March 23, 2013 By Chris Reed It’s not just President Barack Obama and Gov. Jerry Brown who have drank the green Kool-Aid and bought into the idea that “green” jobs and energy can be America’s economic salvation. It’s also that

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Scott Walker vs. Jerry Brown

June 3, 2012 By Brian Calle Californians know a thing or two about recalls. Only two state governors in U.S. history have been removed from office via recall; the first was North Dakota Gov. Lynn J. Frazier in 1921. Of

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