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Tag "recycling"

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Recycling fading even as concerns about plastic surge

California’s already-troubled recycling system took another blow this month with the closure of Ontario-based rePlanet, which operated 284 recycling centers, the most of any recycling company in the state. But despite complaints from environmentalists about 2 million recyclable containers a

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Gov. Brown in no hurry to address recycling headaches

California – a state that has long prided itself on being an environmental global pacesetter – is struggling with the most basic of green tasks: recycling containers. Thirty years ago, California became one of the first state to add 5-cent and 10-cent

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State muscles grocers over plastic bags

Aug. 21, 2012 Katy Grimes: The plastic bag activists are at it again, and they are nothing, if not persistent. With the eleventh bill regulating plastic bags in less than 10 years, grocery stores don’t have a chance in California. Passed

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Consequences of Conservation

March 23, 2012 Palo Alto residents have responded admirably to the city’s “Zero Waste” campaign, which aims to divert almost all the city’s trash from landfills to recycling centers by 2021. In fact, residents have done such a good job

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