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Tag "Robert Stavins"

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CA left’s absurd new dogma: Regulations have no downside

Businesses like to make money. Smart business owners are happy to change their ways in search of how to increase or maximize profits. The hostility to change that one sees in a bureaucracy with no vested interest in making things

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Only in CA: Costly edicts depicted as jobs programs

When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 32 into law in 2006, he did so after first demanding that the measure include a provision that would allow a governor to suspend it if there was evidence the law was hurting the

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Four years later, media still spreading the AB 32 Kool-Aid

Nov. 12 By Chris Reed In the Bush 43 era, some pundits on the left took to decrying the media practice of treating quotes from the White House with the same respect as quotes from its critics. They said this

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