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Tag "Second Amendment"

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O.C. Sheriff Hutchens allows more conceal-carry permits

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens commendably is expanding the ranks of those able to get conceal-carry permits. This follows a ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms”

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Another court embarrassment for state AG Kamala Harris

Fresh off her odd handling of the bullet train’s legal issues, Attorney General Kamala Harris is at it again. Per the coverage of the San Francisco Chronicle, incompetence followed by posturing is what this looks like: “Attorney General Kamala Harris

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2nd Amendment groups fight CA gun-control laws in court

As fast as California lawmakers can write new gun-control laws, Second Amendment groups are challenging them in court. buy definition essay Earlier this month, a state senator, who has expressed support for racial profiling of ammunition sales, introduced legislation to require background checks

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Firearm association accuses Fish and Game commissioner of conflict of interest

One of the most controversial bills passed this year by the California Legislature was Assembly Bill 711, by Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, D-South Gate. Beginning in 2019, it bans lead bullets for hunting, which proponents claim is to save the California

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Condors thriving before new CA lead ammo ban

The California Condor is flying back. This majestic giant, with a wingspan stretching nearly 10 feet, had been nearing extinction as recently as two decades ago. But the recent report from the U.S. Department of the Interior found that the

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Gov. Brown signs 11 gun control bills, vetoes 7

Despite California's strictest gun control laws in the country, Gov. Jerry Brown signed 11 new gun control bills into law Friday, and vetoed seven. The gun control measures signed Friday include strict limits on magazine capacities, add more paperwork for

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State game wardens oppose lead ammo ban

There are more than a dozen gun-control bills sitting on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, awaiting his signature or veto. Brown has been uncharacteristically quiet about his stance on gun control. Noticing Brown's silence, the association representing active and retired state

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CA’s 14 anti-gun bills target legal gun owners

Criminals don’t register their guns with authorities. Despite this indisputable fact, the California Legislature recently passed 14 gun control bills, taking aim at citizens who legally own guns. California lawmakers are ignoring the historic recall last week of two Colorado state

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Despite Colorado recall, CA Legislature passes gun control bills

SACRAMENTO — The surprising recall election of two Colorado Democratic lawmakers Tuesday for backing gun control laws was a warning shot for lawmakers across America eager for more gun control laws. Not for the Democratic supermajority in the California Legislature. More than two

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Colorado ousts 2 gun-control extremists

Since I first visited Colorado in 1964 on my family's trip “Out West” from Michigan, I've loved Colorado. I worked there the last half of 1977 in my first major journalism gig, with the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph as a cub

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