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Tag "Six Californias"

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Low turnout in 2014, high initiative count in 2016

Elections have consequences. Ironically, California’s abysmal election turnout this November has teed up a veritable flood of ballot initiatives for 2016. Because the signature threshold for qualifying initiatives is pegged to the number of Californians who cast votes in the previous

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Homage to Catalonia independence

Is there still hope for the Six Californias initiative of entrepreneur Tom Draper? This year it failed to get enough signatures to make it to the 2016 ballot. The next attempt would be 2018. If so, hope comes from Catalonia, the

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VIDEO: Would six Californias be better than one?

Is the Six Californias plan good for California? Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins Cal Watchdog’s James Poulos and we find out what would be missed.

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Separatism loses in SCT, CA

Coming shortly after entrepreneur Tim Draper’s Six Californias initiative failed to qualify for the 2016 ballot, Scotland’s voters decided not to secede from the United Kingdom — yet. So it would seem separatist movements are not doing well. But pushing

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‘Six Californias’ will go before voters

Its debut on a California ballot might still be two years away. But this month, supporters successfully verified the quixotic, Silicon Valley-powered Six Californias initiative obtained the necessary signatures to receive an up or down vote. As the Los Angeles Times reported,

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Six Californias?

Today entrepreneur Tim Draper is submitting signatures to put his Six Californias idea onto the 2016 ballot. That will give him two more years to sell his idea that the state — which by then will be crammed with 40 million

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Oposition swarms against splitting CA

Like hornets rising from a disturbed nest, opposition is swarming against venture capitalist Tim Draper’s proposed initiative to split dysfunctional California into six states, a couple of which might turn out functional. The Chronicle reports: “Steven Maviglio, a Democratic consultant,

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